How to fix PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 No Internet After Hard Reset? 

PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 no internet after hard reset

Hard resetting your PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 router can be a lifesaver when you’re experiencing internet issues. 

It’s a go-to solution for many users, but what happens when you perform a hard reset and still find yourself without internet? Don’t worry; this guide will walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and resolve this problem. 

By the end of this article, you’ll be back online and more knowledgeable about managing your router.

What to do if PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 no internet after hard reset? 

Now, let’s address the issue at hand. After performing a hard reset on your PLDT Fibr HG8145V5, you might notice that you no longer have internet access. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re not sure what went wrong. The good news is that this problem is usually easy to fix with a few straightforward steps.

What to do if PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 has no internet after hard reset

Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

1. Check Physical Connections

Before diving into the settings, ensure that all physical connections are secure:

  • Power Cable:

Make sure your router is properly plugged into a power source and turned on.

  • Fiber Optic Cable:

Check that the fiber optic cable is securely connected to the router and the wall outlet.

  • Ethernet Cables: 

If you’re using Ethernet cables, ensure they are securely connected to both the router and your device.

2. Log in to the Router’s Admin Panel

After a hard reset, you’ll need to reconfigure your router. Here’s how to access the admin panel:

  • Connect to the Router: 

Use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to the router, or connect to the default Wi-Fi network (usually labeled on the router).

  • Open a Browser:

Launch a web browser and type `` into the address bar. This is the default IP address for most PLDT routers.

  • Enter Login Credentials:

Use the default username and password to log in. For the PLDT Fibr HG8145V5, the default username is usually `admin` and the default password is `admin` or `1234`.

3. Reconfigure Internet Settings

Once you’re logged in to the admin panel, you’ll need to reconfigure your internet settings. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to WAN Settings: 

Look for a section labeled “WAN” or “Internet Settings.”

  • Enter ISP Credentials:

You may need to enter specific credentials provided by PLDT. This typically includes a PPPoE username and password. If you don’t have this information, contact PLDT customer support.

  • Save Settings:

After entering the necessary information, save the settings and restart the router.

4. Set Up Wi-Fi

After configuring the internet settings, you’ll want to set up your Wi-Fi network:

Navigate to Wi-Fi Settings: Look for a section labeled “Wireless” or “Wi-Fi.”

Create a New SSID: Enter a name for your Wi-Fi network.

Set a Password: Create a strong password for your Wi-Fi network.

Save Settings: Save the settings and restart the router.

5. Restart Your Devices

After reconfiguring your router, restart your devices (computer, smartphone, tablet) to ensure they connect to the newly configured network.

6. Check for Firmware Updates

Outdated firmware can sometimes cause connectivity issues. Here’s how to check for updates:

Navigate to Firmware Update Section: Look for a section labeled “Firmware” or “Software Update.”

Check for Updates: Follow the instructions to check for and install any available updates.

Restart the Router: After updating the firmware, restart your router.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If you’ve followed the steps above and still don’t have internet access, try these additional tips:

1. Reset Network Settings on Your Devices

Sometimes, your devices may need to reset their network settings to connect properly. Here’s how:

  • Windows: 

Go to `Settings > Network & Internet > Status > Network reset`.

  • Mac:

Go to `System Preferences > Network > Wi-Fi > Advanced`, then remove and re-add your network.

  • Smartphones/Tablets: 

Go to the network settings and select “Forget This Network,” then reconnect.

2. Check for Service Outages

Occasionally, the issue may not be with your router but with your internet service provider. Contact PLDT customer support to check for any outages in your area.

3. Perform Another Reset

If all else fails, you might need to perform another hard reset. Sometimes, the first reset doesn’t resolve all issues, and a second reset can do the trick. Make sure to follow the steps meticulously.

4. Contact PLDT Support

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t get your internet working, it’s time to call in the experts. PLDT customer support can provide additional assistance and may be able to diagnose issues specific to your account or hardware.

Why Would You Perform a Hard Reset?

There are several reasons why you might decide to hard reset your router:

1. Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues: 

When you experience persistent connectivity problems, a hard reset can help resolve software glitches.

2. Forgotten Credentials:

If you forget your router’s login credentials or Wi-Fi password, a hard reset can help you regain access.

3. Preparing for Resale: 

If you’re selling or giving away your router, a hard reset ensures your personal information is wiped clean.

What does a Hard Reset on PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 can do?

Before diving into the troubleshooting steps, let’s clarify what a hard reset entails. A hard reset, sometimes referred to as a factory reset, restores your router to its original settings when it first came out of the box. This process erases all custom configurations, including your Wi-Fi name (SSID), password, and any personalized settings you may have adjusted.

How to prevent future issues of PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 internet?

To avoid encountering the same problem in the future, consider these preventive measures:

1. Regularly Update Firmware

Keep your router’s firmware up to date. Manufacturers release updates to improve performance and security. Check for updates periodically and install them as needed.

2. Backup Your Settings

Before performing a hard reset, backup your current router settings. Many routers allow you to export your configuration settings to a file. This way, you can quickly restore your settings after a reset without having to reconfigure everything from scratch.

3. Monitor Device Connections

Keep an eye on the devices connected to your network. Sometimes, too many devices or bandwidth-heavy applications can cause connectivity issues. Use your router’s admin panel to manage connected devices and prioritize bandwidth if needed.

4. Secure Your Network

Ensure your network is secure by using strong passwords and enabling WPA3 encryption if supported. This prevents unauthorized access and potential interference with your network.

How to prevent future issues of PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 internet

5. Perform Routine Maintenance

Just like any other electronic device, your router benefits from routine maintenance. Restart it periodically to clear any temporary issues and ensure optimal performance.


Experiencing no internet after a hard reset on your PLDT Fibr HG8145V5 router can be frustrating, but it’s usually a solvable problem. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can troubleshoot and resolve the issue, getting your internet connection back up and running. Remember to check physical connections, reconfigure your router settings, and update firmware regularly to prevent future issues.

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to contact PLDT customer support for further assistance. They can provide the help you need to ensure your internet connection is stable and reliable.

Maintaining a smooth and consistent internet connection is essential in today’s connected world. With a bit of patience and the right steps, you can overcome connectivity challenges and enjoy a seamless online experience.

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