0935 what network philippines? Globe Or Smart Telecom


if you are using Mobile Network that starts with prefix 0935 and you dont know 0935 what network philippines? Lets clear your confusion of Globe and Smart networks regarding 0935.

0935 prefix belongs to Globe or TM (Touch Mobile) Telecoms. TM offers affordable services, which are great if you’re looking to save money on calls and texts.

If you are TM user you can check your Network by Dialing *143# from your phone or via helpline.

Also Read: is Globe and TM are Same? Relation b/w Celluar Services

Why You must know your Network?

Knowing that your number is with TM helps you choose the right plans and special offers that are cheaper for you. It also helps you avoid extra charges when you communicate with friends who are on the same network.

Also dont forget to register your GLobe or TM Sim before deadline.

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